Next LevelHarris Health



Date Event Location Time Details
6/17/2024 Coffee & Conversations- Presented by Harris Health Contractor Diversity Program Registration Link: 9:00am-10:00am Sponsored by the Harris Health Contractor related to MWBE programs. There will be a presentation by SBA. Please register for this dynamic meeting Diversity Program. This is a virtual meeting covering a variety of topics with panel guests.
6/18/2024 Houston Business Procurement Breakfast United Way 50 Waugh Drive Houston, TX 77007 8:00am-11:00am MWBE Networking opportunity for local, stat local, state and regional projects
6/25/2024 Regional Hispanic Contractors Association- PPG Global & Harris Health Contractor Diversity –MWBE Collaboration Meeting Regional Hispanic Contractors Association 7047 Harrisburg Blvd-2nd Floor Houston, TX 77011 6:00pm-8:00pm This is an opportunity for small businesses/MWBEs and community members to do some network development and to scale up their business. This meeting will focus on the economic development
6/27/2024 Next Level Training Series II- The Reality of Bonding & OCIP Kashmere Gardens Multi-Service Center 4802 Lockwood Dr. Houston, TX 77026 10:00am-11:30am Next Level Training Series is for MWBEs, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and those thinking about starting their own business or expanding it. These training series will help participants develop, retool and perfect their business skills to be successful as they pursue procurement opportunities or to expand their services, as it relates to the LBJ Hospital Project Opportunities.
7/15/2024 Coffee & Conversations- Presented by Harris Health Contractor Diversity Program Registration Link: 9:00am-10:00am Sponsored by the Harris Health Contractor related to MWBE programs. Please register for this dynamic meeting Diversity Program. This is a virtual meeting covering a variety of topics with panel guests.
7/23/2024 Houston Business Procurement Breakfast The ION 4201 Main St. Houston TX 77007 8:00am-11:00am MWBE Networking opportunity for local, state and regional projects
7/27/2024 Next Level Training Series III- Preparing a Successful Proposal Response SAVE THE DATE - LOCATION TBD 10:00am-11:30am Next Level Training Series is for MWBEs, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and those thinking about starting their own business or expanding it. These training series will help participants develop, retool and perfect their business skills to be successful as they pursue procurement opportunities or to expand their services, as it relates to the LBJ Hospital Project Opportunities.
8/19/2024 Coffee & Conversations- Presented by Harris Health Contractor Diversity Program Registration Link: 9:00am-10:00am Sponsored by the Harris Health Contractor related to MWBE programs. Please register for this dynamic meeting Diversity Program. This is a virtual meeting covering a variety of topics with panel guests.
8/20/2024 Houston Business Procurement Breakfast United Way 50 Waugh Drive Houston, TX 77007 8:00am-11:00am MWBE Networking opportunity for local, state and regional projects.
9/5/2024 Save the Date - McCarthy/Hill Day Save the Date - Outreach/Opportunity Day for GMP# 2 TBD This will be the second outreach/opportunity events for GMP# 2 Bid package with McCarthy/Hill Day team to meet the MWBE Community. You Don’t Want to Miss This Important Event! Save the Date September 5, 2024 standby for the details.


Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital Campus Expansion Groundbreaking May 9, 2024


Para solicitar una reunión en el ayuntamiento o un grupo de enfoque o para invitarnos a una reunión organizativa establecida para su vecindario, grupo comunitario o asociación, proporcione su información aquí.

La principal prioridad de PPG Global es garantizar que le proporcionemos las últimas actualizaciones para el nuevo proyecto del Hospital LBJ de manera oportuna. Ayúdenos a asegurarnos de que se escuchen las voces de su comunidad. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para compartir su solicitud con nosotros. Nuestro equipo se comunicará con usted dentro de las 24 horas hábiles posteriores a la recepción de su solicitud.

¡Tu voz nos importa!